Bucket List - Ice-skating at Somerset House in London - TICK!
I have always wanted to go ice-skating at Somerset House, the pictures look gorgeous, just sparkly, bright, beautifully Christmassy and all those smily faces having fun as the snow gently falls, each snow flake catching the light and shining in the night sky… Beautiful!
The scene is set. Work is finished on the dot of 5.30pm, quick change into something appropriate. Warm clothing, leather gloves, wooly hat and off we go up to London. Dinner in beautiful Covent Garden, all the lights are amazing, the smell of stalls selling mulled wine, hot chocolate and roast chestnuts just make the evening even better. A quick walk to Somerset house. It’s beautiful. The ices has just been cleared and the ice hoover is out ‘re-freezing’ the surface. Excited people giggling and laughing wait patiently for their boots, bobble hats on, gloves on and the gate opens and we’re off on to the ice. The smiles and the laughter, it’s infectious. Music blaring and everyone is just having so much fun!
And then there’s me…. I haven’t skated for twenty years, and if I’m honest I don’t think I skated then - just stood on the ice and posed for pictures! And tonight's not much better. I may be stretching the truth about ice-skating... I went for a slide and a shuffle. A VERY slow shuffle. But I’m really pleased with myself, I made it all the way round the rink (several times) and I didn’t fall over once! - And I let go of the sides several times!
My feet hurt, my ankles hurt, my calfs hurt, my legs hurt - but my bottom doesn't hurt! I looked at the time, quarter to ten, we have fifteen minutes until our time is up, I’ll go round once more (I don’t want to push my luck) then I’ll get off and be first in line to swap my boots with my old comfy trainers (a must if walking around London). I’ve just passed the gate and they announce the session is over ‘Please leave the ice’ - WHAT, I’ve just passed the gate, I can’t turn around I’ll fall over! Decision made, I’ll carry on - my last circuit, hmmm… OK, so half way round I’m still up-right, and still going and bar the stewards in the middle I’m the only one on the ice - I’m holding up the ice hoover, they can’t close the gate til I’m off… the music has stopped and all I can hear is the blades of the stewards cutting the ice in the middle - I can’t hide - just keep going Jill, it won’t take long, it won’t take too long. The really good thing about being the last one off is that the queue to get my comfy old trainers wasn’t big at all - they had all gone home!
Anyway next year I’m off ice-skating again… practice makes perfect!
I’ve had a good idea for next years Christmas card….